World Social Forum

Event registrations have been extended 

Event registrations for WSF 2005 have been extended to November 25 (6pm, Brasília Time). Thus, those who still haven´t registered can do so up to this date. Organizations which have already registered may edit or delete proposals also until November 25, as it had been said before.

Attention, however: after this deadline you can only delete events. The system will not accept changes, that is, organizations must register their final event proposal until November 25. Registration period won´t be extended again! It is important that organizations don´t do events registration on the 5 last days, since the system is usually unsteady and slow due to too many accesses at the same time. 

Registrations for cultural and artistic events have also been extended to November 25 and must be done through a different form. However, inorder to register cultural events, the participants must register before either as an organization or individual.  Until November 11, over 1.833 events had already been registered by organizations 2.731 from 102 countries.

Well-shared knowledge 

Proposed activity wants to gather Gilberto Gil, Manuel Castells and other intellectuals to discuss the new ways to get over the ties of copyright-which prevent knowledge and the arts to grow nowadays.

Focus on next challenges 

Continental Campaign against FTAA will hold an assembly in 2005 the first one inside WSF. Movements get together after influencing the delaying of the agreement. But already target new risks: retaking of FTAA negotiations and bilateral trade treaty.

European 4th Social Forum results 

The European Social Forum 4 th edition was held on October 15 to 17 this year in London, United Kingdom. See here the first results of the event (they are in the original language): 

A shaft of light at the ESF, Paul Kingsnorth, OpenDemocracy 
Appello Conclusivo dell’Assemblea dei Movimenti Sociali, Assemblea dei Movimenti Sociali 
Londres contra Bush, Rafael Evangelista, Planeta Porto Alegre, Brasil 
Londra val bene una mossa, Ana Pizzo, Carta, Itália 
Il successo del Foro di Londra, Salvatore Cannavó, Liberazione

The organizers of PASF expect that around 10,000 people attend the event, which has the following motto: “Another Amazon is possible”. The central issue will be “Diversity, Sovereignty and Peace”, chosen by PASF International Council, which met on July 23 and 24, in Quito, Ecuador.

Mediterranean Social Forum5th Assembly will be in France 

Next Assembly of Mediterranean Social Forum will be held in Marseilles, France, on January 14-16. 

Social Forums Around the World 

Local forums to be held: 

November 5th and 6 th: Maranhão Social Forum in Maranhão (Brazil), in São Luis, Maranhão (Brazil) 11st and 12nd: Alagoas Social Forum, in Maceió, Alagoas (Brazil) 19th to 21st: Chile Social Forum, in Santiago, Chile 24th to 27th: Northeastern Social Forum, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil 26th and 27th Social Forum in Rio de Janeiro, in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro 28th: Northwestern Area Social Forum, in Santos, São Paulo 

December 3rd to 6th: Social Forum Málaga Province, in Malaga, Spain 5th to 8th: World Forum on Agrarian Reform, Valencia, Spain 10 to 14th: Africa Social Forum, Lusaka, Zambia 16th to 19th: 3rd Potiguar Social Forum, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) 2nd Colombia Social Fórum: to be set